Small failure feature request

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Small failure feature request

Post by 73Sims »


I was wondering if it would be possible to add a failure option for the PMDG 737 where the failed engine is randomized (unkown). For example have some option like "ENG1 SEVERE DAMAGE, ENG 2 SEVERE DAMAGE, RANDOM SEVERE DAMAGE"

Would it also be possible to include PMDG's "V1 CUT" failure options. It is a bit tricky to time the failure to occur right at V1 using the FSiPanel IAS failure trigger due to the failure being programmed via the FMC in real time causing a small delay. I have to try multiple airspeeds in order to get it to happen near V1 but it's hard to get it as accurate as the "V1 CUT" option.

Thanks :D
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