I have just obtained a MS2024 licence for FSiPanel to practice Approaches in the Just Flight RJ100.
Problem is I cannot load the RJ100 in a Take-off state on a Runway in either MS2020 or 2024, I appreciate this is not the fault of FSiPanel, I have submitted a query on the Just Flight forums.
Just wondering if any of your Beta Testers had this problem ?
On the couple of occasions I did get the RJ up to Take-off State manually and tried a DOWNWIND Position, FSiPanel started to do its thing, but prior to getting to the 'Hold Brakes for 3 secs' state the aircraft started Spiralling to the ground.
Can't Start RJ100 in Take-off Mode on Runway
Re: Can't Start RJ100 in Take-off Mode on Runway
I did not get any issue with the RJ, if you start on a runway, are your engines off ?
I did not get any issue with the RJ, if you start on a runway, are your engines off ?
Jean-Pierre Garraio


Re: Can't Start RJ100 in Take-off Mode on Runway
Sorry I should have edited my original post.
I heard from Just Flight regarding the RJ and there appears to be a Saved State not working correctly.
From Just Flight support : In the meantime, pressing the "Ready To Fly" button as soon as it becomes available during the pre-flight cinematic should allow the aircraft's save state to initialise correctly.
This does indeed seem to work
I heard from Just Flight regarding the RJ and there appears to be a Saved State not working correctly.
From Just Flight support : In the meantime, pressing the "Ready To Fly" button as soon as it becomes available during the pre-flight cinematic should allow the aircraft's save state to initialise correctly.
This does indeed seem to work