FSiPanel for MSFS 2020 Standard Edition

(270 customer reviews)


This version is for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 ONLY.

When you purchase the FSiPanel 2020 Edition, you will receive a 50% discount on upgrading to the FSiPanel 2024 Edition. This exclusive offer is valid until December 31st, 2025.

Detailed information about claiming your discount will be provided on your invoice after purchase.

WARNING, FENIX A320 snapshot feature is only available on FSiPanel Advanced Edition.

Please note that Failures and training scenarios are only available on FSiPanel 2020 advanced edition for the PMDG 737 , Fenix A320 and the Maddog MD82

Please check system requirements and compatible aircraft on the product description.


FSiPanel for MSFS 2020

System requirements :

  • Windows 7, Windows 10 or Windows 11 64 bits operating system
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 any edition
  • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8
  • 150Mb hard disk space


  • Navigraph or NavData navigation charts subscription (only required to fly STAR)
Supported aircraft:

AirlinersAirbus A320 NEO
AirlinersFlyByWire A320 NEO
AirlinersHeadwind A330-900
AirlinersBoeing 747-8 Intercontinental
AirlinersBoeing 787-10 Dreamliner
AirlinersLeonardo Maddog MD-82
AirlinersAerosoft CRJ 550/700/900/1000
AirlinersPMDG Boeing 737-600/700/800/900
AirlinersPMDG Boeing 777-300ER
AirlinersJustFlight BAE 146
AirlinersFenix A319, A320, A321
AirlinersiniBuilds A310-300
AirlinersiniBuilds A300-600
AirlinersiniBuilds A320 NEO
AirlinersFlightSim Studio E175
AirlinersJust Flight Fokker 28
AirlinersTFDi Design MD11
AirlinersFlightSim Studio B727
AirlinersJust Flight RJ Professional
JetsCessna Citation CJ4
JetsCessna Citation Longitude
PropellersAviat Pitts Special S2S
PropellersBeechcraft Bonanza G36
PropellersCessna 152
PropellersCessna 172 Skyhawk (G1000)
PropellersCub Crafter X Cub
PropellersDiamond DA40NG
PropellersDiamond DA62
PropellersEXTRA 330LT
PropellersFlight Design CTLS
PropellersICON A5
PropellersJMB VL-3
PropellersRobin Cap10
PropellersRobin DR400/100 Cadet
PropellersZlin Savage Cub
PropellersBeechcraft Baron G58
PropellersCessna 152 Aerobat
PropellersCessna 172 Skyhawk
PropellersDiamond DA40 TDI
PropellersDiamond DV20
PropellersCirrus SR22
PropellersPipistrel Virus SW121
PropellersZlin Shock Ultra
PropellersA2A Piper Comanche
TurbopropsBeechcraft King Air 350i
TurbopropsCessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX
TurbopropsDaher TBM 930
TurbopropsASOBO ATR 42 / 72 -600

270 reviews for FSiPanel for MSFS 2020 Standard Edition

  1. Philip Johnson (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

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  2. James M. (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

    Great software that lets you practice landings at any airport! Had it for FSX and as soon as I heard it was on Microsoft Flight Simulator

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  3. Kevin McCandless (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

    Great program for learning about flying procedures.

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  4. Thomas B. (verified owner)

    chZurich, Switzerland

    Makes practicing challenging approaches so much easier

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  5. Roilen Palmer (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

    I love it, to be able to place your plan more or less where you want to practice is just great and you get a landing report to boot!

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  6. TAMIO YAMAZAKI (verified owner)

    jpTokyo, Japan

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  7. Wim B. (verified owner)


    Makes practicing approaches much easier.

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  8. Glyn B. (verified owner)

    usLouisiana, United States

    I’m a longtime user of FSIPanel and I am glad it’s been updated for MS2020

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  9. Christopher Rosling (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

    Love your work…. innovative and responsive. I have bought all versions straight away. Well done

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  10. Stefan (verified owner)


    The tool does exactly what it should do and does it very well!
    Skipping to the approach phase of a flight adds an extra dimension: doing quick flightsim sessions if you don’t have a lot of time, or if you’re wanting to get to know a certain aircraft better. I can therefore thoroughly recommend this tool!

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  11. John Harris (verified owner)

    caOntario, Canada

    Great learning tool great price good addition to simming experience

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  12. Michael (verified owner)


    works perfectliy

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  13. Peter M. (verified owner)

    chZurich, Switzerland


    One little thing.
    I made an ILS Loc. landing on LOWS on RWY 15.
    The landing report was Perfect, Very Good and so one. But I had no clearance from the tower. So how comes, is this througly a perfect landing?
    Have fun. Thank you. A perfect App.

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    • jpgarraio (store manager)

      Thanks 🙂

  14. NEIL PERKINS (verified owner)

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  15. Paul (verified owner)


    Excellent for a quick set up to practice instrument landing approaches or landing approaches in general.

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  16. Norbert W. (verified owner)

    deNorth Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

    Great Tool to train approaches and landings specially with a complex aircraft like the Aerosoft CRJ 700

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  17. Roger (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

    Great product. Perfect your landings with ease!

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  18. Espen T. (verified owner)

    usUnited States

    Love it.
    If it somehow was possible to have the STAR added automatically to the FMS it would be 6 stars. I understand that would be a big project for a small company.

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  19. Thimo Hauber (verified owner)

    deNorth Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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  20. Stuart Moles (verified owner)

    auWestern Australia, Australia

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  21. Anonymous (verified owner)


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  22. Rudolph Dorcoo (verified owner)

    usIllinois, United States

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  23. Peter P. (verified owner)

    atSalzburg, Austria

    Nice program, but I use only FBW A32NX Developer Version and I have some troubles with positions an settings in the FMS.

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  24. roland de zeeuw


    Unfortunately, It was unable to use the program with FSX-SE. That was my mistake. Otherwise I could certainly have enjoyed the program a lot. Thanks for refunding the money.

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  25. Terry C. (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

    Having spent several hours in a BA777 simulator at Heathrow, this tool really is as close as you can get to what is used in those simulators …well done!

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  26. Eric (verified owner)

    chZurich, Switzerland

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  27. Brian Thomas (verified owner)

    gbEngland, United Kingdom

    I have been using FSiPanel in all it’s iterations since inception and have always been impressed with the level of accuracy and the speed at which J-P addresses any issues

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  28. Julian Nachtweh (verified owner)

    deHamburg, Germany

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  29. Anonymous (verified owner)

    usCalifornia, United States

    Highly recommended for any serious flight sim enthusiast. It’s perfect for practicing approaches and sets up the aircraft on any fix, STAR approach etc, The functionality of this application are very well thought of and works perfectly every-time.

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  30. Thomas Schmidt (verified owner)

    deHesse, Germany

    FSiPanel 2020 is very helpful and works great

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  31. Ana Elisa Costa (verified owner)

    ptLisbon, Portugal

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  32. George Ingram (verified owner)

    caOntario, Canada

    Great software for practicing your landings. From heavy metal tubeliners to Cessna 152.
    I highly recommend.

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  33. Sergey (verified owner)

    Great app !!!
    It would be 10 stars would put ten !!!

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  34. Anand Nevrekar (verified owner)

    usGeorgia, United States

    Excellent product.

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  35. Genichi (verified owner)

    I use the FSiPanel 2020 to practice aircraft landings, and the FSiPanel 2020 allows me to practice landings in a short time and with the correct settings.

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  36. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Excellent piece of SW! I wish I had found it earlier, it was very useful during my RL pilot training.

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  37. clive joy (verified owner)

    Very good the best and only way to practise your Approaches like a preofessional

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  38. Peter Coveney (verified owner)

    Currently I am mainly flying the DC Concorde and the PMDG DC-6. It would be great to practice approaches for these 2 aircraft. Also the Milvis Cessna 310R.

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  39. Dennis Morinaga (verified owner)

    Very quick to practice your landing and any airport in very short periods it helped my skill a lot. Thank you.

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  40. Graham H. (verified owner)

    I found this to be a very useful utility for MSFS. I certainly no expert when it comes to flightsim so being able to set up approaches with a few clicks is great. I can’t say I enjoy the fact that there are Standard and Advanced versions as it makes you feel you are short changing yourself and I wouldn’t think it benefits the developer that much but there you go. Having said that I would definitely recommend it

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  41. Joaquìn Rodrigo Guzman (verified owner)

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  42. Todd (verified owner)

    Love this app. I started using it in p3d and got it for msfs2020. For me it’s a must have for fine tuning your landings. Sometimes I don’t have time to do a full flight, so I’ll dial up FSI panel and do a couple approaches before bed. Sometimes the app will have issues with patches or updates to aircraft, but the dev is very active and will resolve any issues. Just make sure you register at their forums so you can help the dev help you.

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  43. Klaus (verified owner)

    I am very pleased!
    Everything works as advertised.
    Can only recommend the product!!!

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  44. Derek Kaneshiro (verified owner)

    Awesome product that does exactly what it says!

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  45. Maxence Hervoir (verified owner)

    Expensive and doesn’t work with a lot of aircraft. Even the B737 is buggy.

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    • jpgarraio (store manager)

      Hi, Thanks for your review, please contact support for the 737, I’m not aware of your issue with it.

  46. Tom (verified owner)

    Great add-on! This is really what you need, if you want to practice patterns and landings!

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  47. Dirk (verified owner)

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  48. Wolfgang Doormann (verified owner)

    not sure if it works with my aircrafts, FENIX etc

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  49. John Dale (verified owner)

    I am only an amateur instrument pilot but did get to multi-IFR before losing a medical so love the way MSFS2020 has let me get back to serious IFR. FSiPanel improves that luxury considerably because now you may choose your approach point and keep getting different scenarios with multiple aircraft. Only after starting to comment here did I actually click on some of the videos and they are really well put together and worth viewing as they bring the software to an advanced level. The videos are for specific aircraft so you can pick your favourite. The software is easy to use and is basically point and shoot making it a pleasure to use. I tried the King Air today and shot 3 approaches and realized that come winter I will have to dive in to the full potential of this software. I will actually have to read the manual (groan). So for any pilots learning IFR or just keeping up skills this is a great way to do exactly that. Well worth the price for serious pilots. Good job J-P.

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  50. Johan d. (verified owner)

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  51. Mike Reed (verified owner)

    Very good product clever the way it sorts all the switches out

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  52. Paul (verified owner)

    Love it ! Very useful, great for practise.

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  53. Monique MARTIN (verified owner)

    La validation a posé problème celui-ci a été résolu le produit fonctionne bien maintenant

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  54. Ken P. (verified owner)

    Very good at setting up my PMDG 737 on final for practice landings. Saves time and produces a good report showing how I did.

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  55. Steve (verified owner)

    A fantastic tool for practicing and familiarizing with instrument approaches. The program crashes now and then, and sometimes leads to the aircraft producing violent pitch changes during repositioning which leads to msfs registering a crash of the aircraft. But as a sim instructor, it’s a nice little tool to have at home to go through procedures.

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  56. Lester (verified owner)

    Despite experience as a Real World GA pilot I’ve struggled with landing Airliners to my satisfaction. This app is perfect – I use it with FBW Airbus and it works a treat. Approaches and landings can quickly set up and be re-flown at any suitable airport and quickly repeated. My landings are much better, but more importantly it has thrown up an issue with my pedals which I was unaware of – I thought the problem was me. Good value – if you’re serious about your flight simming it’s a ‘must buy’.

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  57. Steve (verified owner)

    This is a good training tool and I enjoy using it. Works fine on complex jets like the 737, but is not so good for GA aircraft with basic systems.

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  58. Adrian (verified owner)

    FSI panel seems a good product, but it doesn’t do what I personally expected. It seems to cater mostly for standard approaches to normal airfields. Difficult approaches to unusual airfields that really require practice, for example Castillion de la Laquette (LFMB) and Notre Dame de la Salette (LFPS) can’t be set up, which seems a shame. So by all means buy the product, but first of all ensure that it suits your preferred mode of flying.

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  59. Gianni Canfora (verified owner)

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  60. Anonymous (verified owner)

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  61. John W. (verified owner)

    Author responds right away with answers to your questions. Very well done.

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  62. Trevor L. (verified owner)

    Great to re-run approaches without having to complete a full flght plan. A32NX works well – looking forward to the release of Fenix A320 support. Great product.

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  63. anthony Reyes (verified owner)

    I haven’t used quit well I tried to practice with the Airbus 320 and it was falling out of the sky so I stop using it probably I didn’t understand how to use it or it just doesn’t work with that plane

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  64. Philip Gauci (verified owner)

    Word of Warning – Highly Addictive in a nice way. Excellent program that actually works as advertised. Go practice practice your landings over and over again

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  65. Valerio (verified owner)

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  66. SAVERIO MANGIONE (verified owner)

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  67. Themton Irani (verified owner)

    FANTASTIC!! Many Thanks.

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  68. Alan Caldwell (verified owner)

    This is must have add-on for any serious flight simmer. Practice any approach in almost any aircraft including the Mad Dog, PMDG 737s and the Fenix A320, time after time after time.

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  69. alex antochi (verified owner)

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  70. Michael S. (verified owner)

    Great product, but in complex airliners not working out of the box. Checklists for pmdg or fenix would be helpful. And a dark mode also.

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  71. Rolf Fritze (verified owner)

    The UI looks in a lot of ways a little bit “old fashioned” and is not self explaining as it should be…….

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  72. JORGE CONDADO (verified owner)

    The idea is good, but it is not working properly for me. Every time I use it does something different. I watched and follow the instructions in the tutorials and the behavior is erratic.

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  73. Daniel Lemieux (verified owner)

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  74. David Albright (verified owner)

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  75. Claudine (verified owner)

    Very nice. Easy to use and very interesting for training

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  76. john Bird (verified owner)

    Love it, just what I have been waiting for, so simple to set up and use with MSFS for launching a flight.

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  77. Lonny Amadio (verified owner)

    Probably one of the most universal tools you can get for your flight simulator. Highly recommend.

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  78. Cristian (verified owner)

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  79. David B. (verified owner)

    Fast response. Excellent customer service.

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  80. Panagiotis V. (verified owner)

    A great tool for msfs training.

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  81. Thomas Causey (verified owner)

    I really needed an easy way to practice landings and this software is perfect. Now if I could just get my landings closer to perfect….

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  82. Jochen (verified owner)

    Great app that works and with which you can finally train at will landings and other situations in the right configuration. I particularly like the landing reports, because they take into account the landing distance, center line an bank angle in addition to the vertical speed. A really great and useful addon!

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  83. Anonymous (verified owner)

    It’s a great tool to practice approaches and landings without the hassle of constantly reconfiguring the aircraft.

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  84. selim roudesli (verified owner)

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  85. Markus H. (verified owner)

    Apparat from a few bugs here and there this software is awesome. Huge help if you want to practise landings.

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  86. Matt E. (verified owner)

    Reliable and simple to use tool for practicing landings (something I need to do a LOT more of)! Particularly impressed with how well it works with planes not listed as being compatible – just seems to work. Highly recommended.

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  87. Logan M. (verified owner)

    Super easy to setup and use. Makes practicing landings in the larger planes much easier!

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  88. Jordi F. (verified owner)

    This “simulator within a simulator” is clearly one of the best ever add-ons for MSFS. I use it only with the Fenix A320 Airbus flying in VR, and FSIPanel integrates flawlessly with this complex airliner, yielding a very good flight experience. One hour of available “flying time” is enough to practice around 10 landings, in 10 different airports and with different conditions and approaches. I can finally achieve good landings almost everywhere!

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  89. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Keep on working on this great software and continue to add more airplanes.

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  90. Juergen Mader (verified owner)

    Fast loading, easy setup

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  91. Anonymous (verified owner)

    The product I’ve been waiting for since MSFS released 👏👏👏

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  92. Anonymous (verified owner)

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  93. Anonymous (verified owner)

    The ability to practise approaches and landings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has never been straightforward, as setting up the aircraft midflight and particularly on approach was not easy. Many years ago with FS 2004 I set up a landing challenge for a local summer fête, which was very popular, and even attracted a couple of professional pilots to have a go, but being able to reset the challenge quickly was key to getting plenty of customers through their turn, and up till now that was not very easy in the latest version of Microsoft’s flight simulator.

    FSI Panel makes it much easier to set up a variety of approaches in a variety of aircraft. I have used it with the PMDG737, the Fenix A320, and tried with a number of default aircraft from Asobo. I wasn’t successful with all the default aircraft, but did achieve some success with the Boeing Dreamliner. The Fenix A320 worked well, although altitude, heading and air speed needed to be set manually before each approach. The PMDG737 was the most trouble-free, automatic in its setup, and could be used for approach upon approach very easily. It works with most standard ILS or straight-in approaches, but I would love to find a way of setting up a challenge to the IGS approach at the old Hong Kong Kai Tak airport; this may need to be set up as a custom approach but I haven’t worked out how to do that yet. All in all though, a great addition to the armoury of flight Sim add-on tools.

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  94. Jean-Charles (verified owner)

    I think that it is the best addon I bought for MSFS2020.
    It is possible to try every arrival ILS or RNAV easy to modify it as explained in your videos Many Thanks best regards from France
